TinyGo in Microcontrollers

Index Introduction TinyGo XIAO Flashing Reset Resources Introduction Recently (at work) I had to flash a microcontroller to simulate a keyboard. The problem was that I didn’t knew anything about microcontrollers (still don’t) or even how could I flash those. At the time I was using the Digispark microcontroller since it was cheap and it was user friendly (with an external case, the device looks like a normal usb). Then a co-worker helped me on the flashing process and for that we used Arduino IDE....

May 26, 2023

Migrating from ESXi to Proxmox

Index Introduction ZFS Pool Content Resources Introduction During college I used ESXi to host a few VM’s because I had a low end laptop that was not able to handle multiple VM’s turned on. After finishing college I decided to move to Proxmox as I wanted to persue the open source route. To be able to acomplish this I gathered two HDD drives (500 GB each) and two SSD (250 GB each)....

April 28, 2023

0xOPOSEC Christmas Challenge 2022

“Based in Porto, the 0xOPOSEC group was started by g33ks who are passionate about security. The meetup primary mission is to discuss and tackle upsurging security issues by leveraging the expertise and know-how of members of the group.” Index Black Hole {MISC} A Programming Language {MISC} Find The Typo {MISC} Back Me Up! {MISC} 867 CFR {NETWORK} Who’s There {NETWORK} My Network Is Secure! {NETWORK} Mmmm…Donuts… {CRYPTO} Lets Share! {CRYPTO} The Folt {WEB} In Passwords, We Trust, and in PHP, We Believe!...

December 31, 2022

Load Balancing On Webservers with HAProxy and KeepAlived

Index Introduction Presentation Resources Introduction This presentation is about load balancers and how they are important to new infrastructures. The aim here is to learn more about some network protocols (like VRRP) and how can we maximize the uptime when dealing with webservers. Note that this presentation is in Portuguese. Presentation Resources Note that these resources are in portuguese Web application DB Report

October 21, 2022

0xOPOSEC Summer Challenge 2022

“Based in Porto, the 0xOPOSEC group was started by g33ks who are passionate about security. The meetup primary mission is to discuss and tackle upsurging security issues by leveraging the expertise and know-how of members of the group.” Index Larapios Group Access {RECON} Spread Your Hacks {RECON} Big Dollar Spender {WINDOWS} Other Os Are People 2 {RECON} CAPtain Pwn! {LINUX} SO Cute! {LINUX} Stairway To Heaven {WINDOWS} Conclusion First recon Larapios Group Access “Larapios Group states that they access to our core infrastructure!...

August 21, 2022