0xOPOSEC Summer Challenge 2023

“Based in Porto, the 0xOPOSEC group was started by g33ks who are passionate about security. The meetup primary mission is to discuss and tackle upsurging security issues by leveraging the expertise and know-how of members of the group.” Index The Flag Dispenser {WEB} Recon All The Things {WEB} The Poor Man Proxy {WEB} Whois? {WEB} This Looks Familiar {WEB} Healthy {CRYPTO} Kadabra used Substitute! {CRYPTO} It Is All About Magic {CRYPTO} I Forgot My Phone Number {CRYPTO} A Different Kind of Flag {MISC} No One Can Read This!...

August 21, 2023

0xOPOSEC Christmas Challenge 2022

“Based in Porto, the 0xOPOSEC group was started by g33ks who are passionate about security. The meetup primary mission is to discuss and tackle upsurging security issues by leveraging the expertise and know-how of members of the group.” Index Black Hole {MISC} A Programming Language {MISC} Find The Typo {MISC} Back Me Up! {MISC} 867 CFR {NETWORK} Who’s There {NETWORK} My Network Is Secure! {NETWORK} Mmmm…Donuts… {CRYPTO} Lets Share! {CRYPTO} The Folt {WEB} In Passwords, We Trust, and in PHP, We Believe!...

December 31, 2022

0xOPOSEC Summer Challenge 2022

“Based in Porto, the 0xOPOSEC group was started by g33ks who are passionate about security. The meetup primary mission is to discuss and tackle upsurging security issues by leveraging the expertise and know-how of members of the group.” Index Larapios Group Access {RECON} Spread Your Hacks {RECON} Big Dollar Spender {WINDOWS} Other Os Are People 2 {RECON} CAPtain Pwn! {LINUX} SO Cute! {LINUX} Stairway To Heaven {WINDOWS} Conclusion First recon Larapios Group Access “Larapios Group states that they access to our core infrastructure!...

August 21, 2022

0xOPOSEC 24/02/2022 Challenge

Index Challenge Description Solving Challenge References Description “I just got this new keyboard from Vodaphone Portugal, but it looks like something fishy is going on. Could you help me?” Solving Opening the pcap file It turns out to be a USB communication capture The file was small and had USB_INTERRUPT events that encode key presses After a little bit of google fu, I found that the Leftover Capture Data field has a series of 8 bytes strung together (the third byte is the Usage ID for the key pressed)...

February 24, 2022

0xOPOSEC Summer Challenge 2018

“Based in Porto, the 0xOPOSEC group was started by g33ks who are passionate about security. The meetup primary mission is to discuss and tackle upsurging security issues by leveraging the expertise and know-how of members of the group.” Index Have a l00k {RECON} Lost in Translation {MISC} Crack me if you can! {REVERSE} We love web 2.0 {WEB} Recon Have_a_l00k This first challenge was all about having a l00k(literally). They gave an URL to work with....

August 21, 2018